After we left, the other patrons left, too. It’s horrible. He told us he didn’t have time to watch us-well no one asked you to watch us.
He didn’t care what we had to say. We were the only African Americans in the store. Konnor told AVN that “after consulting with the leather maker and being advised the store would not be able to order the specific items he wanted” the white store owner rushed him and a friend out of the store while telling them he didn’t have time to watch them: “I went back upstairs because the leather shop is downstairs and the owner comes up to us and says, ‘Guys, we don’t have time to watch customers who aren’t buying anything.’ Then he stood there looking at us for like a minute and basically went in for the kill. If you guys ever come to New York or if you frequent this place, please let them know how you feel.” I just basically got kicked out of a store because of the color of my skin. Said Konnor in a video posted to Twitter: “Racism. Please let them know that this behavior will not stand. The owner of just kicked me out after coming in trying to get an outfit made for the awards. Guys, I just experienced racism full force. Said Konnor on Twitter: “Guys, I just experienced racism full force. A post shared by Max Konnor on at 6:20pm PDT